How to Take Advantage of Automation in Your Business

What is Automation? Every office has those menial tasks that nobody wants to take the time to do, but really need to be done at some point. Fortunately, as technology has advanced, so has the capability for these tasks to be completed with minimal human engagement. Automation (technically, business process automation) is simply the use of technology to simplify and minimize the amount of work and attention your human resources need to contribute in order to reach an objective. As automation has received a bit of a bad break as a job killer, it is important to clarify that the kind of automation we generally talk about is intended to lighten the rote responsibilities of your employees, freeing their time to focus on other, more productive tasks and concerns. When used in this way, business process automation can help boost your employees’ job satisfaction, consistency, and efficiency (although the job-killing reputation that automation has garnered might lead to some resistance at first).  Not sure how you might put it to use in your operations? We have a few suggestions that you may find intriguing. How to Leverage Automation When all is said and done, automation could conceivably assist with any task. However, we want to focus on the ways that will really provide your business with the most value, so mull over some of these applications (again, just some of your potential opportunities). Customer SupportHow much time is spent answering calls, or emails, or Facebook messages, all asking precisely the same question? Chances are, too much. That’s why many automated customer support options are so useful – they give you an alternative way to provide support that can often resolve your contact’s quandary without involving you or your employees. This kind of vetting reserves your employees’ attention to issues that really require it. ComplianceMany industries are subject to assorted requirements that concern different aspects of their operations, passed down by the government or by the industry itself. Automation allows you to set procedures that meet the prescribed guidelines to appease regulators, saving you from further trouble and effort later. CommunicationThere are a lot of moving parts involved in any business (especially if automation is put in use), so there are going to be certain people who need to be kept in-the-know. These people may be internal resources, or operate outside of the business. This even includes clients and customers. Regardless, automation can help ensure that there is always clear communication, without anyone having to remember to send a message. Naturally, there are far more ways that your business’ operations could be automated behind-the-scenes, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us and discuss what your options might be! Our professionals are here to help. Call (831) 758-3636 today.

5 Benefits Your Business Could See from IoT Technology

Improved Customer Service Regardless of whether you operate in the B2C or B2B space, you need to be sure that your clients/customers are satisfied with the products, services, and experience you provide them. The IoT can help improve these.  Whether you follow the lead of some grocery stores, and outfit shopping carts with displays that offer recipe suggestions based on the shopper’s proximity to certain ingredients, or you work in distribution, leveraging smart trackers to enable your customers to check the progress of their purchases – there is effectively no limit to the ways that the IoT can be leveraged to benefit your target, and the more satisfied they are, the more likely they are to return to your services. Increased Productivity A business that, for whatever reason, can’t operate productively is one that isn’t going to be around for very long. There are a few ways that the IoT can help to boost the inherent productivity of a business. For instance, by using the IoT to monitor their supply levels throughout a production run, manufacturers can use the IoT to make educated predictions based on historical data – and that’s just one, very specific example. There are many other ways to boost productivity with the IoT’s support. Critical tasks and meetings can be scheduled around the times that IoT solutions record high levels of productivity, and rote tasks can be automated through IoT devices so employee time can be spent more wisely. A Safer Work Environment In higher-risk workplaces, the IoT can be used to help better ensure the safety of the employees you have on the job. Consider those who work in construction – wearables could be used to keep track of them on the worksite. Offices can be made more secure with video surveillance and connected smart locks to help control access. However, it is important to acknowledge that the IoT is still pretty unstandardized when it comes to its own security. This is why you will want to work with a provider like SRS Networks to ensure you aren’t trading your organizational security for (most likely short-lived) productivity. Streamlined Costs Let’s touch back on productivity once again, and discuss how some of the same capabilities can help decrease your overall operational costs. We mentioned how there are some tasks that can be automated through the IoT, but what we haven’t mentioned yet is how doing so can help save you some capital to invest elsewhere. Think about it: by automating tasks, you are eliminating the need for one of your employees to take the time and complete those same tasks. Therefore, not only are these tasks completed more efficiently, but your employees can take the time they would have spent on them to accomplish other things – effectively doubling your output. Greater Data Insights Finally, the Internet of Things can be a great tool to help you collect crucial business metrics and other data samples to leverage toward improving your operations. Whether you use the historical data you have collected through the IoT to build a predictive model, build customer profiles, or solve your other challenges, the IoT is a hugely beneficial resource to harness. While there are still some security concerns to the IoT, SRS Networks can help you select and secure solutions that will […]

Why Proactivity is Always a Better Strategy than Reactivity

Let’s dive into how each approach typically plays out for the businesses that adopt them. A Reactive Approach An organization that reacts to external factors would be referred to as reactive. New competition opens up? Looks like it’s time to improve upon efficiency. Is the economy experiencing a rough patch? Maybe we should scale back on our spending. The big problem with this methodology is that it leaves a business a few steps behind, which makes it vulnerable to larger issues. Instead of being ready to handle any competition, a business that acts reactively will be forced to play catch-up, which means that the business will never quite reach its full potential. A Proactive Approach On the other hand, you have a business that anticipates changes, whether they would be detrimental to their business or beneficial, and plans for them accordingly. A proactive business will analyze the data they have access to as a means of predicting what trends are likely to emerge, and will often prepare for multiple eventualities… just in case. Keeping a data backup, maintaining it offsite and in keeping with the best practices we recommend, that’s an example of a proactive behavior. Managed services are proactive by their very nature, as you have to anticipate an issue to know to look out for it. Use Proactive Solutions with SRS Networks Don’t just take our word for it – give the services that we offer a shot and see for yourself. Our trained professionals will keep an eye on your technology solutions on your behalf – preventing issues before they interfere with your productivity. To learn more, keep reading our blog, or reach out to us directly! We’re just a call to (831) 758-3636 away for any of your IT needs. Start being more productive and reach out today – before you have no other choice.