AI Security Can Work Wonders to Thwart Threats

AI Security Can Work Wonders to Thwart Threats

When it comes to network security, businesses need all the edges they can get, especially since cybersecurity as an industry is one which is rapidly adjusting and responding to various threats, as well as their responses to those security measures. One way in which security researchers have attempted to subvert this security rat race is through artificial intelligence measures, a trend that promises to change the way businesses protect themselves for the better.

NIST Rules of Zero Trust Security Policy

NIST Rules of Zero Trust Security Policy

In a zero trust network, you trust nobody, no matter how long they have been around or how invested they are in your organization’s future. Everyone’s identity on your network must be verified, a concept that has been quite helpful in limiting data breaches. Today, we are going to discuss the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s definition of zero trust and what they recommend to businesses wishing to implement it.

What Threats You Need to Consider with Voice-Based Tools

What Threats You Need to Consider with Voice-Based Tools

Authentication is one of the most important topics on the table for discussion this year, particularly in regards to how the need for secure data access has been increased considerably during the COVID-19 crisis. How can you make sure that your data is being accessed in a safe and secure manner while also verifying the identity of whoever accesses it? Voice-based authentication might be one option. 

What Are the Differences Between Enterprise and Free VPNs?

What Are the Differences Between Enterprise and Free VPNs?

Even if virtual private networking is not a household term, it is, if nothing else, seemingly a pretty straightforward concept. However, there are certain complications that can make it a little difficult to understand for some users. Take, for example, the fact that there are two different types of VPNs. Let’s take a look at what makes them so different and which kind your business should prioritize.

Don’t Let Break-Fix Technology Maintenance Hold Your Business Back

When you think about technology maintenance, how often do you tend to address issues with your infrastructure? Do you wait for something to go wrong before addressing it? If so, you are going about technology maintenance all wrong. When you take this break-fix approach to your IT infrastructure, you run the risk of serious complications that could result in expensive downtime and costly repairs.

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